The management of the affairs of OPGC vests in the Board of Directors. Principal Secretary, Department of Energy, Govt. of Odisha is the ex-officio Chairman of the Company. The Managing Director is in-charge of the day-to-day management under the supervision of the Board. They in turn are assisted by a team of dedicated and experienced professionals in various fields. OPGC has signed a corporatisation agreement which has bestowed considerable freedom to the Board of Directors in managing the affairs of the company.
Board of Directors |
Shri Vishal Kumar Dev, IAS
Chairman |
Functional Directors |
Shri Manas Ranjan Rout
Director (Operations)
Shri Kedar Ranjan Pandu
Managing Director |
Shri Gagan Bihari Swain
Director (Finance) |
Govt. Nominees Directors |
Shri Pratap Kumar Mishra, OAS(SS)
Special Secretary
to Govt. of Odisha,
Public Enterprises Department,
Bhubaneswar |
Shri Hrudaya Kamal Jena,
Addl. Secretary to Govt. of Odisha,
Department of Finance,
Bhubaneswar |
Independent Directors |
Shri Narendra Nath Misra,
Ex- Director (Operations),
Shri K. C. Samal,
Ex- Director (Finance),
Prof. Suchitra Pal,
Xavier Institute of Management,
Bhubaneswar |
Shri Anup Kumar Nanda,
Ex- Managing Director MPPGCL &
Ex-Executive Director, NTPC |