Encompassing World Environment Day on 05 June 2012, OPGC at IB Thermal Power Station, Banaharpali observed the Day with deep involvement and passion that represented the theme of the year “Green Economy: Does it Include You?”
The day celebration commenced with awareness on waste management to its colony market complex people followed by a cleaning activity in the market jointly by employees of OPGC and market people. There one green environmental objective was set for the year to discourage the use of polythene carry bag and reduce its use to minimum. Shopkeepers supported the initiative.
For general awareness of employees & their family members various competitions like Children Environmental Poster competition and employees Environmental Quiz competition were arranged before the Environment Day.
Employees then took part in tree plantation in the plant premises.
Climate Change awareness cycle rally was organized at its district centre Jharsuguda through the NGO “Development Initiative” where hundreds of farmers, public participated. After the rally, a seminar on Climate Change and its impact on agriculture was also held where eminent environmentalist Prof Arta bandhu Mishra sensitized the mass on climate change and threat of global warming to the mother earth . The rally was inaugurated by District Magistrate, District Forest Officer & District labour officer.
A meeting was held inside Plant Premises. OPGC people & School students participated in the meeting with full of environmental enthusiasm and spirit. The meeting focussed on OPGC’s future plan on environment protection. People were appraised on the up coming environmental initiatives like ESP retrofitting, high concentration ash slurry disposal, fly ash utilization in mine void, energy audits with energy conservation projects, online monitoring of environmental parameters etc. Protection of its big Forest coverage in side plant and colony from forest fire was also focussed upon. Strategic goal has been fixed to make Ib Thermal Power Station more green within next couple of year. Employees were appealed to be self responsible for environmental protection by the way of taking small(2) green actions and implement the projects in time. This will really make sense to OPGC’s value of clean, green and safe power generation. Winners of various environmental competitions were awarded.
One more organizational green initiative made through a goal to reduce its paper consumption by 25% by the end of the year 2012.
