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NIT No. ITPS/ CC-22/2023-24/13
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Purchase Tender
NIT No. GEM/2023/B/4024046)
NIT No. ITPS/Pur./ 23-24/28
NIT No. ITPS/ Pur./23-24/ 33
NIT No. ITPS/ Pur./23-24/ 25

At/P.O:Banharpali,Dist.Jharsuguda, PIN:768234(ODISHA)

               Tel.06645-222209/222210,Fax:06645- 222209/54/30
         e-mail: bhadoa.jojowar@opgc.co.in/ rabindra.panda@opgc.co.in/
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TENDER ENQUIRY NO : NIT No.ITPS/(WH)/2009-2010/01 (P)/

Dt. 01.04.2009   

Last date & time of receipt of Tender

Date & Time of Opening of Tender


DT : 20.04.2009

Time upto :13.00 Hrs


Time at :at 15.00 Hrs

Rs. 1, 00,000.00 (Rupees one lac)only.

Tender Specification For Supply of Conveyor Belt to ITPS.

IB Thermal Power Station, At/PO: Banharpali, Dist. Jharsuguda (ODISHA), PIN: 768234 is a unit of ODISHA Power Generation Corporation Limited a Govt. of ODISHA undertaking and engaged in generation of 2x210 MW Thermal Electric Power. The Plant site is about 17 Kms. from Belpahar Railway Station and 40 Kms.from Jharsuguda Rly. Station on S.E. Rly. on the Mumbai- Howrah main line.

Sealed tenders are invited from the reputed potential manufacturers only in their own letter heads for supply of Conveyor Belt to Ib Thermal Power Station as per specification mentioned under. The bidder shall have to submit their sealed tender in two parts. The part-I is techno commercial bid and part-II is the price bid. The bidder shall have to confirm and clarify the following points in the techno commercial bid Part-I.

Part-I –Techno Commercial bid shall comprise of the following facts with required documents

1. The bidder has to supply as per our specification mentioned below

SL No Description Qty.
01 Conveyor Belt SFR (all Nylon), Conforming to IS-1891(Part-V ;1994),Canadian Standard CSA-CAN-M-422-M87 Type C’’ with latest amendment; Open Ends; Grade “FR” conforming to ISO: 340, skim coated plies, moulded edge construction, mildew inhabited, breaker on top face, belt strength 1250/4, No. of plies- 4, Top cover 5 mm, bottom cover 3 mm, ply to ply carcass, 1600 mm width. Thickness – 15 mm (minimum), packing: 250 mtrs & 300 mtrs length in a roll.

1300 Meters.

2. The Bidder must be a reputed manufacturer having his own manufacturing unit for the Conveyor Belts along with in-house testing facility and have in line experience, financial capability and have supplied such items to other Industrial concerns of repute.

3. The bidder has to submit the chemical composition or test certificate of inputs required for manufacturing of belts.

4. The bidder has to clarify of their manufacturing process involved during the preparation of our required conveyor belt & enclose the details of their product catalogue.

5. The bidder has to submit quality assurance plan/arrangement obtaining the overall quantity management & procedure, which is proposed to be followed in the programme of manufacturing.

6. Tenderer must submit relevant credentials in support of their claim of being manufacturer and copies of purchase orders in support of supply of said items to other concerns of repute preferably NTPC and Other Thermal Power Stations.

7. The bidder shall have to submit documentary evidences of successfully & satisfactorily supply of Conveyor Belt of 1.3 km. of our required belt strength 1250/4 NN, 1600 mm width to any reputed PSU in the last 3 consecutive financial years.

8. The bidder has to enclose copies of their last three-year purchase order received from reputed organisations like NTPC/SEB’s or any other Thermal Power Plant in support of their item now being offered and their performance report.

9. The Bidders shall have to submit their credentials in support of their experience & Banker's certificate in support of financial capability along with a statement of Asset & Liability.

10. They must submit requisite EMD of Rs.1, 00, 000.00 in shape of DD payable on State Bank of India (Code No. 9510)/Central Bank of India, Belpahar/ Andhra Bank, Adhapada (Code-0662), Ib Thermal Power Station, Banharpali, Jharsuguda in favour of ODISHA Power Generation Corporation Limited.

11. Xerox copy of latest ITCC & STCC and Manufacture certificate registered as per Registration of Company Act/NSIC, are to be submitted by the bidders.

12. The bidder has to accept our payment terms i.e 90% payment shall be made within 30 days from the date of final acceptance of material & 10% shall be made within 90 days on submission of 10% of PO value as performance bank guarantee valid for a period of 18 months from the receipt of materials or 12 months from the date of use.

13. The bidder has to clarify to submit security deposit i.e 05% of the PO value in shape of irrevocable bank guarantee from a nationalised bank executed on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value towards execution of the contract.

14. The bidder shall have to confirm that guarantee period of 12 months commencing from the date of utilisation or 18 months from the date of last despatch whichever is earlier for defects in material and workmanship.

15. The bidder has to clarify to accept our inspection by third party; the third party inspection charges shall be to M/s OPGC account. The details of test procedure followed after manufacturing shall have to be mentioned in the techno commercial bid. Test certificate shall be submitted in the supply documents.

16. The bidder has to submit their valid BIS/ISO registration certificate or any other international accreditation documents.

17. The bidder has to clarify to deliver the material within eight weeks with pre despatch inspection by M/s OPGC and/or Third party from the date of receipt of our order. Schedule of delivery shall be a point for consideration during evaluation of the bid.

18. Validity: The price shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of techno-commercial bid.

19. Termination of Contract: The purchaser has to right to terminate the contract at any time after the expiry of delivery period.

20. The belt tolerance & standard length as per IS standard shall be mentioned in Part-I.

21. The bidder may also offer belt of International Standard with details of technical description & product catalogue to suit our required specification.

22. The bidder shall submit their QAP for our approval within fifteen days from the date of receipt of our order.

23. Any deviation from above points shall have to be mentioned clearly in the techno commercial bid.

Part-II is the Price Bid which should contain the price & details of other commercial terms including trade discount, mode of despatch, taxes & duties, Packing, forwarding, freight, insurance & Entry Tax etc in line with the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender paper. In case of offer for F.O.R. destination i.e our Ib Thermal Power Station site, the details of freight up to our site & insurance shall be clearly mentioned. All bank charges shall be to your account.

The above two bids should be sealed separately super scribing as Techno commercial bid (Part-I) and Price Bid (part-II) as the case may be and enclosed in third sealed envelope super scribing NIT NO. ITPS/ (WH)/2009-2010/01 (P) dt.01.04.2009 for supply of Coal Conveyor Belt to ITPS due on 20.03.2009. Your offer should reach this office on or before 20.03.2009 up to 13.00 hrs. Part-I (Techno commercial Bid) shall be opened on same day at 15.00 hrs. in presence of either the bidder or their authorized representative. Parties who shall qualify in Techno commercial bid shall be intimated to attend on a future date & venue to Keep them present in the opening of Price Bid.

The EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned within 45 days of opening of bid. If the bids are not submitted in separate sealed envelope, both found in one envelope or if price bid is found in techno commercial bid and vice versa the bids will be rejected.

Offer received late due to postal or courier delay shall not be entertained. The bidder at their interest should ensure delivery of the bid well in advance.

The overseas bidder must clearly mention the basic price, P & F up to nearest transporter go down, Gross weight of the belt, freight charges up to ITPS / Jharsuguda godown, Credentials in support, bank details other statutory charges, EMD, and relevant documents in techno-commercial bid are to be submitted. The import shall be as per inco-terms.

M/s OPGCL reserves the right to ask more credential/clarification during evaluation of Techno-commercial bid and reserves to extend the date of opening of techno commercial bid & price bid. M/s OPGCL reserves the right to accept, reject all or any bid & can split among the bidders without assigning any reason thereof.

Detailed NIT is available at our website www.opgc.co.in.
Thanking you,

Dy. Manager (Elect.)
Purchase Department

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