Last date & time of receipt of Tender |
Date & Time of Opening of Tender |
E.M.D. |
DT: 10. 09.2010 |
Time upto :15 Hr |
DT : 10. 09.2010 |
Time at :15.30 Hours |
@2% of the quoted value |
Dear Sirs,
Sealed tenders in duplicate superscribing “ Tender Enq.No. 78 /2010-2011 due on dt.10. 09.2010
are invited for supply and delivery of the following items to Ib thermal Power Station. The
instruction to tenderers are given overleaf.
Sl No. |
Qty. |
Delivery |
1 |
Commercial Motorised Technical; AC 3 TO 4 HP
Continuos duty, 6-7 HP peak duty of Vivafit make,
Aerofit, Sportstrack, Grandslam & Fitline Make. |
03 nos |
15 days |
2 |
Magnetic Bike of Vivafit Make, Sportstrack make,
Grandslam make & Fitline make. |
03 nos |
15 days |
3 |
Beauty Massager/Viverator of Vivafit Make,
Sportstrack make, Grandslam make & Fitline make. |
03 nos |
15 days |
Price offered should be of FOR destination, Ib Thermal Power Station. P&F, freight, insurance, ED,
Sales Tax/VAT & Entry Tax are to be indicated in terms of percentage of basic price or will be
loaded maximum while comparing. Payment within 30 days of receipt & acceptance . Submission
of EMD & valid STCC must. Please enclose product catalogue & company price list, authorized
dealership certificate & send by First Flight Courier so as to reach this office before due date.TIN,
PAN number, range of your industrie (small/medium/large) must be mention in your offer.
Detailed NIT is available at our website
Thanking you,
Your faithfully,
For OPGC Limited.
Manager(Mech)Purchase |