Last date & time of receipt of Tender |
Date & Time of Opening of Tender |
E.M.D. |
DT: 03.02.2011 |
Time upto :15 Hr |
DT : 03.02.2011 |
Time at :15.30 Hours |
@2% of the quoted value |
Dear Sirs,
Sealed tenders in duplicate super scribing “ Tender Enq.No: - 138 / 2010-11 due on 03.02.2011 are invited for supply and delivery of the following items to Ib thermal Power Station. The instruction to tenderers is given overleaf.
Sl No. |
Description of the material |
Qty. |
Delivery |
8 V, 450 AH Tubular type lead acid battery cell
Type - 4DS23TLM
Make – Exide
• Battery should be supplied in dry and uncharged condition.
• Guarantee and test certificates to be submitted along with supply.
Bay back
02 V, 400 AH, HDPE Tubular battery to be provided as scrap battery.
Pl. submits your offer accordingly.
09 nos
Within 15 days from the date P.O. place |
Price offered should be of FOR destination including freight charge, IB thermal power station, P & F, Insurance, ED, ST / VAT & entry tax are to be indicated in terms of percentage of basic price or will be loaded maximum while comparing. Payment within 30 days of receipt & acceptance of materials. Submission of EMD & valid STCC must. Please enclose product catalogue & company price list & send by FIRST FLIGHT courier to JHARSUGUDA BRANCH so as to reach this office before due date. Please mention your price for F.O.R. destination i.e. IB Thermal Power Station (our site). Your price must remain valid for a period of 90 days from the date of tender opening. TIN, CST/VAT numbers and PAN number, range of your industry (small / medium / large) must be mention in your offer. TDS @20% should be deducted from your bill in case of non submission of PAN details. Bank Mandate form must be
submitted with proper filling to make payment through RTGS.
Detailed NIT is available at our website
Thanking you,
Your faithfully,
Purchase Department