Date of Sale of tender paper |
08th August-2011 to 18th August-2011 up to 17.00 hrs. |
Date of Receipt of Bid |
25th-August-2011 up to 13.00 hrs at the office of the undersigned |
Date of opening of technical
bid |
25th-August-2011 at 15.00 Hrs. |
Availability of Tender paper |
Tender documents can be availed free of cost from the
office of the undersigned during working hours.
Tender documents can also be downloaded from our web
site www |
2% of the quoted price |
Sealed bids in ‘Two Part System’ and in the prescribed format are invited from bona fide and
financially sound reputed Firms / Companies/authorized dealers for supply of the following items to IBThermal
Power Station, Banharpali.
No |
Description |
Qty |
1. |
LH and RH ribbons for screw conveyor of BBD 4760
3 Nos. |
Tender Document will be available free of cost from 08/08/2011 to 18/08/2011 upto 17:00
Hrs. from the office of the Manager, Purchase Materials, ITPS, Banharpalli, Jharsuguda.
Tender documents can also be downloaded from our website. Any amendment and
corrigendum to this NIT shall be posted in OPGC web page only.
M/s OPGC Ltd. reserves the right to accept/reject/split any tender without assigning any
reason thereof and will not be responsible for any delay in postal/courier.
Detailed NIT is also available at our website Firms are requested to visit our
website regularly for any amendment of the present bid and information for participation
against various tenders.
Tender paper and vendor application form may also be downloaded from our website.
Thanking you,
Your faithfully,
Manager Purchase Materials |