Last date & time of bid submission |
Opening date & time of bid |
E.M.D. |
DATE: 12.06.2006 |
Time upto 15.00 Hours |
DATE: 12.06.2006 |
Time upto 15.30 Hours |
Rs. 1,00,000.00 |
Sealed tenders are invited from manufacturers, authorized distributors / dealers to supply the following materials to Ib Thermal Power Station, Banharpali.
Sl No. |
Description of Material |
Qty. |
Delivery |
1. |
DUCTILE IRON PIPE – 80 MM Nominal diameter – 80 mm, External diameter - 98 mm Thickness – 09 mm (Tolerance: +1 to –2.2 mm). |
3735 meters. |
One month from date of P.O.Receipt. |
2. |
DUCTILE IRON PIPE – 100 MM Nominal diameter – 100 mm, External diameter - 118 mm Thickness – 09 mm (Tolerance: +1 to –2.8 mm)
5852 meters. |
3. |
Nominal diameter – 150 mm, External diameter - 170 mm
Thickness – 10 mm (Tolerance: +1 to –2.9 mm
* K9
* The joints will be push on jointing.
* Internal protection: - Cement mortar lining with finished layer of Bitumen
* External protection: - Zinc rich painting with finished layer of Bitumen.
* Minimum hydrostatic test pressure at works: - 5.0 Mpa
* Allowable operating pressure AOP(Excluding surge) ---------- 0.8 to 6.4 Mpa
* Allowable maximum operating pressure MOP(Excluding surge) ---------- 1.25 to 7.7 Mpa
* Allowable site test pressure SOP ----- 1.75 to 9.6 Mpa
* IS: - 1387 & 8329
* Pre-despatch inspection will be carried out
1733 meters. |
1) Price offered should be firm FOR - IB-TPS and separately mention the basic price, packing forwarding, freight charge, transit insurance, ED, CST / VAT, ODISHA entry tax etc. If this is not mentioneded then component will be loaded maximum at the time of comparison.
2) Payment will be made after receipt & acceptance of materials within 30 days. Deviation is not allowed.
3) Offer validity: - 90 days from the date of tender opening.
4) Our courier service: - M/s FLYKING, Jharsuguda Branch.
5) Other courier service: - M/s FIRST FLIGHT, Jharsuguda Branch.
6) We may accept / reject / split the tender without assigning any reason there off.
Head of Warehouse
1.0 Each tender should be sent in properly sealed envelope addressed to the Warehouse in-charge, Ib Thermal Power Station, Banharpali, Dist. Jharsuguda, PIN:768234. The envelope should bear the tenderer’s distinct rubber stamp. Tender No. _________due on dt._____________ should invariably be given on the cover.
2.0 In case of items of specific make, only manufacturers and their accredited agents/stockiest/authorized dealers are entitled to quote. For this they should submit an attested copy of the printed price list alongwith tender.
3.0 The tenders submitted must be free from over writings or erasions. Corrections & additions if any must be attested. Incomplete tender should not be submitted. Tenders received after due date of opening will not be entertained.
4.0 The required EMD in shape of DD drawn in favour of “ ODISHA Power Generation Corporation Limited” payable at SBI, Ib Thermal Power Station, Banharpali, Code No.9510 should invariably be enclosed with the tender. Bid without EMD will be rejected.
5.0 The offer given must remain valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of bid.
6.0 Manuals/Pamphlets/Leaflets and drawings illustrating technical details/year of manufacture, makers name, country of origin must be enclosed with the tender, sample if required should be submitted alongwith tender.
7.0 The price quoted should be firm and delivery F.O.R. destination inclusive of packing, forwarding, transportation and insurance charges except duties & taxes. Rebate//discount if any given may also be mentioned.
8.0 Actual/percentage of Sales Tax/Excise Duty leviable and declared to be charged should be distinctly shown alongwith price quoted. Where it is not mentioned claims for payment of Sales Tax and Excise Duty shall not be entertained on any ground. Sales Tax Registration number must be indicated invariably.
9.0 The tenderer should be able to complete delivery within 20 to 30 days from the date of receipt of purchase order.
10.0 The tenderer should be agreeably to our payment terms i.e 100% within 30 days of receipt, verification and acceptance of materials.
11.0 Quality of materials to be supplied should be brand new, free from all flaws, good finish and should be as per technical specification and relevant to IS specification.
12.0 The tender must accompany Xerox copy of latest & valid Income Tax Clearance Certificate & Sales Tax Clearance Certificate without which tender will be rejected.
13.0 Destination means Central Stores, Ib Thermal Power Station, Banharpali.
14.0 Whenever tenderers have entered into Rate Contract with DGS&D or EPM, they will indicate the same in their tenders and submit a copy of rate contract as a proof of claim.
15.0 The quantity indicated in this enquiry is provisional and subject to change.
16.0 Supplier having past experience of supplying similar items to other Thermal Power Stations may submit a Xerox copy of the P.O. alogwith the quotation.
17.0 The undersigned reserves the right to accept/reject/split any or all the tender without assigning any reason thereof.