Tender Specification against NIT No. ITPS(WH/2004-2005/2(P)Adt. 17.03.2005.
We are bulk consumer of different Bearings, the approximate value of which may be as high as
Rs. 20-25 lakhs & sleeves of value Rs. 5 lakhs per annum for maintenance of 2x210 MW
Thermal Power Station, which is in operation for last seven years. The cost of bearings
mentioned above is indicative only and may vary subject to our requirement.
Sealed tenders are invited from bonafide importers and authorised stockiest only to enter into an
Annual Rate Contract for supply of various bearings for the year 2005-2006. The contract period
may be extended further depending upon performance at the discretion of the OPGCL. The
bidders shall have to submit their offer in two parts, Part-1 (Technical Bid) & Part-2 Price Bid.
A list of bearings used is enclosed for reference.
Bidders shall have to submit their credentials in support of their import license/dealership/
experience, Pan No. & Valid STCC(Xerox copy) & financial capability (Solvency Certificate
from Bank) along with an EMD amounting Rs.20,000.00 in shape of DD on State Bank of India
, Banharpali Branch(Code No. 9510)/Central Bank of India, Belpahar Branch/Andhra Bank;
Adapada Branch in favour of ODISHA Power Generation Corporation Limited payable at ITPS,
Party must submit their willingness ness clearly mentioning that they will maintain minimum
stock as decided by M/s OPGC Ltd. from time to time.
It is the Price Bid
A) Which should contain the present Price List & details of other commercial terms including
trade discount, payment terms, mode of transport etc.
B) Price & discount pattern in case you have to open necessary bearing bank at our store.
The above two bids should be sealed separately super scribing as Technical Bid & Price Bid as
the case may be and enclosed in a third sealed envelope super scribing " N.I.T No. & date and
Annual Rate Contract for Bearing due on 25.04.2005". Your offer should reach this office on
or before 25.04.2005 upto 1.00 PM. Part-I( Technical Bid) shall be opened on same day at 4.00
PM. in presence of either the bidder or their authorized representative. Parties who shall qualify
in Technical bid shall be intimated to attend on a later date & venue to keep themselves present
during in the opening of Price Bid. The supplies should be inspected and guaranteed for quality
of Bearings.
The parties are advised to offer separately rate of discount on the Price List in vogue at the time
of supply in respect of the following as per format mentioned in clause(2) of the General
1. Indigenous Bearings
2. Imported Bearings
3. Sleeves
The authority reserves the right to accept/reject any or all offer(s) and to split up the entire
requirement among various bidders without assigning any reasons thereof.
1.0 Only manufacturers and their accredited agents/stockiest/ importer/ authorised
dealers are entitled to quote. For this they should submit a copy of the latest
manufacturer printed price list & attested Xerox copy of Dealership Certificate, Pan
No. & Valid STCC alongwith tender.
2.0 The price quoted should be firm and delivery F.O.R. Ib Thermal Power Station
inclusive of packing, forwarding, transportation and insurance charges except duties& taxes. Rebate/discount if any to be given may also be mentioned. The price
offered should be as formatted below.
Base Price(Company Price)
Excise Duty
Forwarding( to nearest transport godown at the place of dispatch)
Inspection charges by manufacturer
Transit insurance
Freight through transport upto Jharsuguda Transporter’s godown.
Courier charges per kg. if any for emergency delivery up to Ib Thermal.
Rate of Sales Tax
a) against form “C” / “IV”
b) without Declaration Form
Entry Tax
The offered terms & conditions, discount etc. should remain valid during the period
of contract from the date of issue of Rate Contract. The base rate is subject to
variation as per the printed OEM/Company price list published. The price shall be
commensurate to the price published for the period. M/s OPGCL may extend the rate
contract upto further period of one year at their sole discretion.
3.0 Actual percentage of Sales Tax/ Excise Duty & Entry Tax leviable and declared to be
charged should be distinctly shown alongwith the price bid. The quoted price should
also be clearly indicative of basic price, packing & forwarding, transportation &
insurance etc. which should be in terms of percentage of base rate as formatted above
otherwise will be loaded as to be decided by Management while comparing & no
subsequent request or communication in this regard will be entertained..
4.0 The tender must accompany xerox copy of PAN No., Valid Sales Tax Clearance
Certificate, EMD & Dealership Certificate .
5.0 Buffer stock should be maintained at your end to ensure ready supply of material on
receipt of LOI/telephonic instruction as & when required within 48 hours for small
bearings and within 07 days for large size bearings.
6.0 The bidder should be agreeably to our payment terms i.e 100% within 30 days of
receipt and acceptance against each consignment on submission of bill.
7.0 Quality of materials to be supplied should be brand new, free from all flaws, good
finish and should be as per technical specification and relevant to IS specification &
duly inspected by the inspecting authority.
8.0 Inspection Certificate should be submitted with all consignment. Charges for this
may be indicated in percentage.
9.0 The merchantability & fitness of the materials should be guaranteed against any
manufacturing defect or bad workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of
use or 18 months from the date of supply whichever is earlier.
10.0Offer received late due to postal or courier delay shall not be entertained. The bidder
at their interest should ensure delivery of the bid well in advance. For any
clarification they may ask in above mentioned phone or mail.
11.0 The parties must ensure necessary safety regulation of M/s OPGCL.
12.0 A general list of bearings used are enclosed for your reference. You are requested to
kindly mention your bearing number and suffix against them. Deviations if any to be
clearly mentioned. Bearing offered must be 1:1 interchangeable with the numbers
mentioned. Your present rate and delivery period required may be mentioned against
enclosed list.