Last date & time of receipt of Tender |
Date & Time of Opening of Tender |
E.M.D. |
DATE:31/01/2008 |
Time upto :upto 13 hrs at undersigned office. |
DATE:31/01/2008 |
Time upto :15 Hours |
Rs. 1,50,000/-- |
Issued to M/s
Note: Before Submission of bid please ensure proper documentation is made in technical bid and price bid as mentioned in the bid. Bid document downloaded from website must accompany the bid document fee Rs. 1000/-
Ib Thermal Power Station, At/PO: Banharpali, Dist. Jharsuguda (ODISHA), PIN: 768234 is a unit of ODISHA Power Generation Corporation Limited a Joint Venture of Govt. of ODISHA and AES America and engaged in generation of 2x210 MW Thermal Electric Power. The Plant site is about 17 Kms. from Belpahar Railway Station and 40 Kms.from Jharsuguda Rly. Station on S.E. Rly. on the Mumbai- Howrah main line.
Sealed tenders are invited from the reputed potential manufacturers only in their own letter heads for supply of different sizes of Hi Chrome Grinding Media Balls for BBD 4760 Ball Mill of IB Thermal Power Station as per specification mentioned as under.
The bidders shall have to submit their offer in two parts in sealed envelope mentioning Technical Bid and Price Bid Separately.
Sl. No. |
Tender No. |
Description |
EMD in Rs. |
01 |
03(P)/B |
Tender For Supply of Different Sizes of Hi Chrome Grinding Media Ball . |
1,50,000/-- |
Sl. No. |
Item Description |
Qty. |
01 |
Hi Chrome Grinding Media Balls for BBD 4760 Ball Mill of Dia 30mm |
15 MT |
02 |
Hi Chrome Grinding Media Balls for BBD 4760 Ball Mill of Dia 40mm |
15 MT |
03 |
Hi Chrome Grinding Media Balls for BBD 4760 Ball Mill of Dia 50mm |
130MT |
A. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: The specification of Hi Chrome grinding media should have the following chemical composition:
C |
2.0 to 3.5% |
Cr |
11 to 13% |
Mo |
2.5% Max |
Mn |
0.5 to 1.5% |
Si |
1% Max |
Ni |
2% Max |
Cu |
2% Max |
S |
0.1% Max |
P |
0.1% Max |
Hardness : Minimum 57 Rc
Retained Austenite : Maximum 15%
Microstructure : Wholly tempered martenistic with trigonal (Fe-Cr)7 C3 type finally dispersed, complex carbides. All other details e.g finish, freedom from defects, scales,burns,heat treatment and other defects shall be as per relevant IS..
a) Solid state controlled medium frequency induction melting furnaces for rapid and homogeneous alloy melting.
b) High pressure rapid mechanized moulding line.
c) Integrated on line automatic sand plant complete with knock off machine, cooling system, cyclone separator and magnetic particle separator.
d) Precise control of pouring temperature by immersion pyrometer.
e) Core sand mixer and electric core oven.
f) Rotating Breaker Drum for effective segregation of physically defective grinding media, runners & risers etc.
g) Facilities for manufacturing both liners and grinding media in order to ensure good compatibility and thereby derive optimum performance.
a) Computer controlled programmable multizone continuous pusher type furnace with multipoint Auto temperature controllers/recorders.
b) Electrically heated bogie hearth furnace.
c) Air and Oil quenching terminals.
d) Tempering furnaces with air circulation for imparting precise heat treatment cycle appropriate to specific alloy grade.
a) On line chemical analysis facilities involving computerised vacuum emission spectrometer with reading element accuracy up to 0.001 % with ferrous background and with microprocessor base.
b) Leco Carbon - Sulphur determinator for accurate and rapid analysis of carbon and sulphur.
c) Metallurgical microscope for macro and micro structure evaluation.
d) Full fledged control laboratory for evaluating hardness, impact and other mechanical properties.
e) Spark erosion machine for sampling for measurement of retained austenite and core hardness without affecting metallurgical structure.
f) Sigmameter to measure through specialised testing, the retained austenite level. Retained austenite is to be strictly maintained below permissible limit as hard working conditions in tube mills can result in retained austenite getting converted to martensite resulting in volume expansion leading to : - excessive wear of balls
- breakage of balls
(a) Bidder should have manufactured and supplied minimum 500 MTs of grinding media for Stein mills to Stein/BHEL specification in High Chrome composition in a year since last three years for BBD mills. Documentary evidence of supplies made to Thermal Power Stations to be provided. (b) Established wear rate of 150 gms / ton of coal crushed for Hi Chrome Grinding media with Hi Chrome liners of Stein/ BHEL specification for BBD stein mills in India. Documentary evidence to be provided for the same. (c) Vendor should have ability to supply and extend satisfactory service of mobile Ball Sorting Machine for mechanical sorting of balls at our site. Documentary evidence of the service provided to other thermal plant to be provided with technical bid.
(d) Vendor should also be the manufacturer of both High Chrome Grinding Media & High Chrome Liners to ensure compatibility.F. APPROVAL :
Due weightage shall be given to the firms assessed and approved by M/s Stein Industries, France (M/s ALSTOM POWER)
Design capability with facility of test mill at works for wears assessment. Satisfactory performance reports from users for above supply for wear rate established should be furnished. Established credentials for process engineering in order to recommend optimized ball charge for various operating conditions.H. GUARANTEE :
Wear Rate Guarantee : Ball charge shall be guaranteed for a maximum of 150 gms / ton of coal grinding.
Vendor should be in sound financial condition with good working capital & should be able to undertake supplies of high chrome grinding media. Average turnover of the vendor should not be less than Rs. 10 Crores in the last 3 years. The bidder must submit relevant credentials in support of their claim of being manufacturer and copies of purchase orders and performance report in support of supply of said items to other concerns of repute along with their offer.
The Bidders shall have to submit Banker's certificate in support of Financial capability along with a statement of Asset & Liability.
They must submit requisite EMD OF Rs. 1,50,000.00 (One Lakh Fifty Thousand only) in shape of DD payable on State Bank of India (Code No. 9510) Payable at Banharpalli Branch /Central Bank of India, Belpahar Branch / Andhra Bank Adapada Branch code 0662 in favour of ODISHA Power Generation Corporation Limited . Xerox copy of PAN NO. ; TIN NO. , STCC and Manufacture certificate registered as per Registration of Company Act/NSIC, Technical description etc. are to be should be submitted by the bidders.
Bidders who have downloaded the document from our website need to submit bid document fee of Rs. 1000/- in shape of DD drawn on SBI, Banharpali, Code no. 9510, in favour of ODISHA Power Generation Corporation Ltd.only along with the bid or else bid shall not be accepted.
Part-II is the Price Bid which should contain the price & details of other commercial terms Basic Price, trade discount, Packing, forwarding , taxes & duties, freight, insurance, Entry Tax,Third Party Inspection Charges , payment terms, validity, mode of despatch, etc in line with the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender paper.
Sl. No. |
Description of Material |
Unit of Meas. |
Quantity |
Unit Rate |
Price Basis |
P & F charges |
Freight Charges/Mode of transport |
Insurance Charges |
ED |
The above two bids should be sealed separately super scribing as Technical Bid/ Price Bid as the case may be and enclosed in third sealed envelope super scribing "N.I.T No.-03(P)- & date 26/12/2007 for supply of Hi Chrome Grinding Media Balls to ITPS due on 31/01/2008 ". Your offer should reach this office on or before 31/01/2008 up to 13.00 hrs. Part-I (Technical Bid) shall be opened on same day at 15.00 hrs. in presence of either the bidder or their authorized representative. Parties who shall qualify in Technical bid shall be intimated to attend on a future date & venue to keep them selves present in the opening of Price Bid. The EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned within 45 days of opening of Price bid.
Offer received late due to postal or courier delay shall not be entertained. The bidder at their interest should ensure delivery of the bid well in advance.
M/s OPGCL reserves the right to accept, reject all or any bid & can split among the bidders without assigning any reason thereof.
Terms & Conditions of Supply
01.Price : The net price offered shall be on the basis of delivery F.O.R, Ib Thermal Power Station site including excise duty, sales tax, packing, forwarding, freight, insurance, entry tax and third party inspection charges. etc. Packing should be made in Mild Steel Drums which should be clean and free from foreign materials.
02.Taxes & Duties : Sales Tax, Excise Duty, Cess, Entry Tax(Octroi) & other statutory levies third party inspection charges should be separately and distinctly indicated.
03.Despatch : The consignment shall be despatched to Ib Thermal Power Station to the consignee on door delivery and freight paid basis after necessary inspection by third party and despatch instruction by OPGC Engineer.
04.Validity: The price quoted should remain valid for a period of 120 days w.e.f date of opening of Technical Bid.
05.Delivery: Delivery of the materials shall be commenced within 45 days from the date of issue of LOI/PO.
06.Standard: The material to be supplied shall be strictly as per relevant IS. Quality Assurance Plan to be approved by OPGCL before manufacturing.
07.Inspection/Testing : Pre despatch Inspection & Testing shall be carried out by Third Party at your works by your cost. Metallurgical Test Report from govt. Approved laboratory to be submitted along with the supply. OPGCL may incorporate any other testing or inspection if required at your cost.
08.Security Deposit : You shall have to furnish security deposit @10% of P.O value in shape of D.D or Irrevocable Bank Guarantee before release of P.O.Security deposit shall be released after supply is complete. Your EMD shall be converted into security deposit if order will be placed on you.
09.Payment: 90% payment shall be made within 30 days from the date of acceptance of materials on submission of bills in triplicate supported by test certificates of third party and balance 10% shall be released within 90 days on submission of 10% value of P.O as performance Bank Guarantee valid for a period of 18 months from the date of receipt of material or 12 months from the date of use.
10.Guarantee : The merchantability & fitness of the material, chemical composition and performance should be guaranteed against any manufacturing defect for a period of 12 months from the date of use or 18 months from the date of supply whichever is earlier. The materials also shall be guaranteed for the chemical composition and hardness as specified for the above mentioned period.
11.ITCC & STCC : Bidders shall be required to furnish the Photo copy of valid PAN & STCC for the current financial year.
12. Bank Guarantee : You shall have to submit a Irrevocable Bank Guarantee of 10% of P.O value as performance bank guarantee which shall remain valid for a period 18 months from the date of last supply and 03 months claim period ( i.e in total 21 months )and shall be extended by you from time to time as and when required or intimated by OPGCL.
13. Penalty : If the materials shall not be delivered within stipulated date penalty @0.5% of the value of the material not delivered per week of delay or part thereof subject to maximum5% of total value shall be deducted. In case the material are not supplied as per schedule M/s OPGCL reserves the right to procure from open market and recover the extra expenditure incurred from you. In case where delivery schedule is not adhered to and there are increase in ED and Sales Tax and impose of new duties after scheduled delivery period you shall bear the impact of those levies.
14.Samples : If required M/s OPGCL shall ask for samples drawn from each consignment in the presence of company’s authorised representative and arrange testing in an independent laboratory to check up whether the supplied item are in accordance with the purchase order or not.
15.Inspection :
a) Dimensional Check of 1% of balls per MT selected at random from each container along with visual check shall be done first.
b) Hardness at core and surface of balls selected randomly at one ball per MT. The hardness of the balls shall be as per specification mentioned.
c) Chemical Check test at one ball per cast to be presented for inspection
d) Sealing of each drum containing of balls for identification is to be done.
16. Quantity Variation : The quantity mentioned in the tender for supply are deemed to be only approximate and not in any manner be binding for order. The quantity may increase or decrease as per requirement and the bidders have to submit their agreeness for supply the increased or part quantity. The variation in supply quantity as per order up to ( +/-) 2% shall be acceptable.
17. Risk Purchase : The inability of the bidders to execute the order in accordance with delivery schedules will entitle M/s OPGCL to purchase the orders at the risk and cost of the vendors from other sources. The difference in amount shall be recovered from the dues of the vendors. Increase in tax structure due to delay in supply beyond contractual delivery period is to vendor account.
18. Loading : Loading of different factor of commercial terms will be done if the offer is not submitted in line with our tender.
19. Jurisdiction : All or any differences or disputes arising out of or related to this order shall be decided by courts in Jharsuguda only.
Manager(P)Warehouse Purchase